Antonsanti Street Widening
Santurce, PR 2022

Antonsanti Street Widening

A Complete Street

53,800 ft2 (5,000 m2)

The Antonsanti Street Widening Project includes the creation of a two-way traffic lane, in compliance with the traffic study and the Plan for Santurce Centro. It also encompasses the widening of sidewalks, the supply and installation of lighting poles, the undergrounding of electrical and telecommunications lines, and the planting of nearly 100 trees along both sidewalks. This project has been designed following the principles of "complete streets," prioritizing pedestrian safety and encouraging pedestrian activity over other modes of transportation. The project also incorporates what are known as speed tables or "raised speed reducers," which are wide, flat elevations on the roadway designed to slow vehicle speeds. These speed tables allow sidewalks to continue at a higher level than the roadway surface, thereby granting priority to pedestrians. The consolidation of the public space network—the places where we connect, interact, and experience the city—is essential for strengthening and enriching the urban environment, as well as fostering the city’s repopulation. Santurce, like many cities worldwide, experienced a mass exodus to the suburbs during the 1950s. Numerous attempts to repopulate it have been unsuccessful, with the Plan for Santurce Centro being the only one to deliver tangible results. Antonsanti Street is a key component of the public space network in this part of Santurce, and its widening has a direct impact on the community’s and the city’s well-being. This intervention not only improves vehicle flow but also enhances pedestrian safety and promotes healthy coexistence among community members, solidifying this space as a vital element of the urban fabric.

Architectural Team
Miguel Angel Lage, Steven Ramos
Structural Engineering
Fernando Cortés PE
Electrical Engineering
Carlos J. Requena PE